TWENTY-TWENTY ONE - A Year in Review

2021 - what a year! It all seems to have gone by in a blur, crazy busy due to so many couples moving their dates from 2020. Some couples were on their 4th wedding date, some were lucky and sailed through with no worries, others not knowing what would happen until their actual day. But through it all, just look at the smiles, the pure emotion and happiness of finally walking down the aisle!

My 2021 season started with Shona and Aidan facing tight restrictions on their day, but it will be one of my most memorable weddings ever. The photograph of them walking through Omagh, businesses locked down, masks on. Even with current restrictions in place this image still feels like another time. They ended their day cutting their wedding cake in the garage, what a story to tell!

As the months went on and restrictions were lifted weddings started to feel normal again. Bands and dancing once again allowed. But with restrictions still in many countries family members and friends could not return home. It was not unusual to see the wedding broadcast or family on FaceTime watching the ceremony. A best man even said his speech via video link!

I think 2021 threw everything at me, I had it all, storms, torrential rain, heatwaves, beautiful autumn sunshine, fog and that magical Christmas light! Couples embraced the weather and we still managed to get outside - so worth it!

So as I ended 2021 with Claire and Conor’s beautiful wedding, some restrictions were once again brought in, Omicron on the rise, here’s hoping it also brings an end to the pandemic and a return to normal.

2021 you really played a part in history and in years to come (hopefully) we will look back at how couples were married in the middle of a pandemic.

2022 couples, if you are faced with restrictions don’t worry. Just take a look at how amazing your day can still be x


5 Top Tips to Make Your Wedding the Best Day Ever!


An Grianan Hotel Wedding // Siobhan & Aidan